Bee's Wrap

Occasionally on this blog, I will write articles about products and ways that I try to reduce my carbon footprint. I think that the hardest thing for people is to just introduce change to their established habits, once that is done it is much easier to implement change.
I am constantly reminded daily about how much trash I am producing and how long its just sitting in a landfill somewhere. And lets be completely honest, a lot of the time our waste is sitting somewhere where it will be for hundreds of years. What tripped me out lately is how scientists are finding micro plastics in our water supply and even bottled water. I feel like it is my responsibility as a food enthusiast to share information about items that can help your kitchen become more environmentally friendly and reduce our amount of consumption.
I use plastic wrap in the kitchen. I actually have reduced the amount that I use when cooking by using glass containers, and when I need to cover dough I use a tea towel instead of plastic wrap. I have been seeing these reusable food wraps at my local market and decided to pick up one and give it a try. The name of the company is Bee’s Wrap, and they are based out of Vermont.
The wrap itself is made out of beeswax, organic cloth, tree resin and organic jojoba oil. The wrap is very malleable and sticks to any surface well. I have been testing it out for a week, wrapping avocado, garlic, a small bowl and other items and keeping it in my fridge. They are really easy to clean - just follow manufacture instructions. The only downside is that for one medium wrap it costs about $6.50 and is quite expensive. But like anything else, in the long run, the reusability of the product brings the cost down. I like their website which is easy to navigate and has a better selection than my local grocery store.
This review is very honest and was not sponsored. And if I ever do sponsored reviews, I will be sure to share that information.
Happy Cooking!