100% Whole Wheat Bread

Hello all! Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying springtime! This time is my favorite time of the year to bake bread, it’s not too hot or cold in the kitchen which means that the dough is a bit more predictable. I absolutely love whole wheat bread, but it is notoriously difficult to make at home due to the long kneading process - even if you have a stand mixer. Stella Parks is an amazing chef who has an amazing cookbook out called Bravetart - which I bought for my Mom two Christmas’ ago.
Anyhow, I follow her on Instagram and I saw a few weeks ago this recipe for 100% whole wheat bread using a food processor. The hands on time with the dough is very minimal, but you do have to be around your house for a couple of hours. Here is the link to the recipe.
Do I have any tips, comments?
Well the bread itself is delicious, the recipe itself couldn’t be any clearer, and I don’t have any notes as far as changing ingredients. I only wish that I had shaped the loaf better into the pan, the dough itself was pretty sticky, but I didn’t want to add too much flour when shaping. Would I ever make it again? Definitely, and I might add a couple of other grains and nuts to replicate the bread my Mom purchased when I was young.
Let me know in the comments below your favorite type of bread!
Bread from initial autolyse to final rise in baking pan.