Roasted Tomato Quiche

When I was at the grocery store earlier this week, I saw some tomatoes that were just too gorgeous to pass by. They almost looked as good as the tomatoes that my Mom gives me from her garden every year. I decided to oven roast them for awhile to develop their flavor and concentrate their juiciness. The next day I put them into this tasty tart. This is not a beginners recipe, and it does take quite a bit of time. But if you happen to have the opportunity, I would urge you to try this recipe. You will not be disappointed.
Roasted Tomatoes
*Could be done a day or two before putting together tart
Organic Hot House Tomatoes - 3 or 4
3 sprigs of fresh thyme, de-stemmed
salt and pepper
2 tablespoons of white onions chopped
1.5 tablespoons of neutral oil ( I used avocado)
Turn on oven to 350F. Get a sheet pan covered with parchment and place halved tomatoes, thyme, drizzle oil, onions and season with salt and pepper. Roast tomatoes for at least 1 hour and 30 minutes, flip tomatoes over and roast for another 20-30 minutes. If the juice around the tomatoes is blackening (see photo) don’t worry, but if tomatoes themselves are blackening, either turn down the heat or take out of the oven. The reason for roasting the tomatoes is because they loose some of their water and intensify flavor. Once the tomatoes are roasted, put into a glass container with a lid until ready to use.
Quiche Crust
3/4 cup of unbleached all-purpose flour
6 tablespoons/3 ounces of unsalted butter, cubed and cold
1/2 tsp good salt
1.5 tsp of apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon + a splash of cold water
You will need a 10 inch flan ring for this quiche. If you do not have that, a tart pan with 3/4 inch sides will suffice. If you do not have a tart pan, you can buy one at your local specialty store or online. Nowadays they are easy to find and inexpensive.
Put flour, salt and cubed butter into a large bowl. Use your clean hands to press butter into the four, I find this takes 2 minutes tops. If your kitchen is really warm, refrigerate your flour mixture a couple of minutes before adding wet ingredients. Mix water and apple cider together into a separate small bowl. Drizzle water mixture over flour, use kitchen fork to combine. You will know if there is enough water if the dough sticks together when pressed with your hand. Please see photos below. Wrap tart dough in plastic wrap or cloth and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to firm up butter again.
On a lightly floured surface roll out dough to a large circle, larger than your tart or flan ring. Cut out bottom of circle using a knife and fit into bottom of ring. Roll out side and trim to fit flan ring. If your using a tart pan, just place rolled out dough into pan, press into bottom and sides, trim top using a knife. I like to poke holes into the bottom of the tart to permit the shell from puffing up in the oven. Freeze dough for 10 minutes before baking. If you don’t want to bake the tart shell now, you can wrap well and refrigerate for 2-3 days before using.
Preheat oven to 375F while tart shell is in freezer. Take tart out, place parchment paper on top and on top of that use pie weights (I use dry beans). Bake shell in oven for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, take out of the oven, remove top parchment and beans, let the shell bake for another 4-5 minutes. Meanwhile make the quiche filling, which by the way is very easy and takes only minutes to make. If your going to finish the tart, keep the oven on.
Quiche Filling
2 eggs beaten
1/4 cup of heavy whipping cream
1/4 cup of whole milk
1/3 cup of grated Gruyere cheese
1 tablespoon of dried shallots (if you don’t have this, not to worry, just skip)
1/4 tsp of red chili flakes
1/4 tsp of salt
ground pepper
If the oven is not on, pre-heat to 375F. Mix everything BUT the cheese in a bowl. Make sure the eggs are whisked well into the milk and cream. Into your tart shell spread the cheese evenly on the bottom, add the roasted tomatoes - bottom side up, finally add egg mixture. Top the quiche with an extra sprinkling of pepper and or Thyme if you wish. Put into hot oven and bake for 18-20 minutes. Quiche will be shiny and no runny parts when baked through. Eat immediately and serve with a side salad. Save leftovers in fridge and eat for a delicious breakfast! Bon appetit!!
Finished quiche, its as good as it looks!