Bang Bang Broccoli

Hello everyone, how are you holding up? I truly hope that you are safe and healthy wherever you reside. I haven’t had much enthusiasm in the kitchen lately, mostly because its been difficult to obtain some ingredients (as you all know) and I am a person who escapes to my art (making music and dancing) when I am stressed out. I have been trying not to be hard on myself when I lack the motivation in the kitchen and also be grateful for my situation that I find myself in.
I saw this recipe on my Instagram feed a few times, the most recent I made sure to save it. This recipe is really easy, and for a mostly vegetarian/vegan eater like me - it looked like a snazzy way to eat my broccoli. Anyhow, it came out great - I had to substitute panko for coconut flakes (no panko at the stores), and I also used 1/2 water to non-dairy milk so the batter was thinner and also I am trying to conserve my oat milk reserves.
The recipe is linked here, it is created by Rabbit and Wolves, check out her website as I have seen quite a few other recipes that I’ve wanted to try.
What did I think of the recipe? Delicious! I think that it would taste even better with the panko bread crumbs, but honestly - it was delicious. I promise to have more original recipes soon. I am hoping to start baking with this sourdough starter I have made, but I’m still waiting for my bread flour in the mail …
Love y’all!!