Vegetarian Nachos

These nachos are a no brainer, but because they are so delicious I decided to make a little blog post to show you how I made them. Feel free to substitute the shiitake mushrooms for meat if that’s what your craving, and also use your favorite cheese.

  1. Chips - I use Have a Corn Chip

  2. Refried Beans (I used a vegan brand)

  3. Shitake Mushrooms cooked with a little taco seasoning

  4. Cheese, Monterey Jack

  5. Salsa - I bought some from Whole Foods

  6. Guacamole - Homemade, my favorite recipe.

  7. A wee bit of sour cream.

I preheated my oven to 350F, and on a half sheet pan put the beans, mushrooms and cheese. I let the cheese melt for about 8 minute, then just put the toppings on. I feel like the mushrooms are a game changer and also I season with pepper when I take the nachos out of the oven.