Crustless Kale and Leek Quiche

Lately, I have been trying to eat less carbs during the week. Although I do not follow the Keto diet, it has inspired me to eat less sweets and carbs during the week. I feel more clear during the morning and less heavy in the afternoon. I teach Pilates usually most days at 9am, and by 10am if I eat mostly carbs I get a pretty bad drop in my blood sugar levels. When I eat a breakfast with more protein, I usually feel better.
Anyhow, I had been purchasing this crustless tomato quiche with my coffee from my local Peet’s, and although its delicious, it costs nearly 5 dollars! Combine that with my coffee, it is an expensive habit. So besides making my own cold brew at home, I now try to prepare items like this that are quick to reheat, taste delicious and keep my food bill down.
1 Leek, washed well and thinly sliced
2 Shiitake Mushrooms, wiped clean and cut into cubes
2 cloves of Garlic chopped
Kosher Salt
1 bundle of Kale, washed well, de-stemmed and cut into strips
1 cup of Heavy Cream
1 cup of Whole Milk
Gruyere Cheese - 1/4 lb and grated
1 tablespoon of fresh Thyme
1/8 teaspoon of Smoked Paprika (Optional)
Chopped Italian Parsley (Optional)
How to:
Preheat oven to 375
Get a round pan either 10 or 9 inch diameter. Butter it so the quiche doesn’t stick. Put aside.
Get a medium frying pan and put on stove. Put heat to medium, add 1 teaspoon of butter and neutral oil to the pan. As soon as pan heats up and butter is melting, add leeks, salt and pepper to taste. When leeks are soft (and still green) add garlic, shiitake mushrooms and kale. Keep stirring over heat until it is all cooked or about 3 minutes. Kale should have shrunken in size and sweated some of its water. Once veggies have cooked, turn off stovetop heat and put pan aside.
In a large bowl, crack 8 eggs. Whisk well, add heavy cream and milk. Add fresh thyme, smoked paprika and a little more pepper and salt if needed.
Take greased 10 inch baking pan and put sautéed vegetables on the bottom, add shredded gruyere on top, even spread in pan. Pour egg mixture on top and add sprinkle parsley on top.
Put into oven for 25-28 minutes, until golden brown and cooked though. Do not overcook quiche. It should be solid but fluffy. Serve immediately or keep in fridge and reheat in microwave for a minute to eat again. What are your favorite quiches? Let me know in the comments below!