Egg Pasta and Ravioli

Egg Pasta
with a rainbow chard filling. Its not as difficult as you may think, but it does take time. If you don’t have a pasta roller you could make it by hand, but ensure that you have enough time.
This ravioli is so delicious! And you can easily swap out the filling and make up a version of your own. The sauce is from this blog post, and the combination between the rainbow chard and the ricotta is divine!
Ingredients Egg Pasta
2 cups of unbleached all purpose flour
4 egg yolks and 2 eggs
1 tsp of salt
2 tbsp of water
Put the flour on the center of your board, make a well with your hands. Put the eggs, egg yolks, water and salt inside the well. Using a fork, whisk the flour into the egg mixture. Once all the wet ingredients are incorporated into the flour use your hands to knead. The dough will be a bit tough and sticky. I kneaded for 5 minutes by hand. Wrap an place into fridge for at least 1 hour and up to 24. The dough will soften as it rests.
Make filling while the dough is resting.
Ravioli Filling
Bunch of Rainbow Chard - washed and de-stemmed
2 tbsp of olive oil
2 cloves of garlic
1/3 cup of walnuts
1/2 tsp of salt
pepper to taste
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
1 cup of ricotta
1/2 lemon juice
1/2 tsp lemon zest
Over a medium heat -
Add olive oil, greens, onions, garlic, salt and pepper. Cook until rainbow chard is soft, about 5 minutes.
Put all your cooked ingredients into the food processor, add the red pepper flakes, ricotta, lemon juice and lemon zest. Pulse until mixture has the consistency of the ricotta. Taste, make sure the mixture has enough seasoning. Put mixture into piping bag and keep in fridge until ready to use.
If your using your pasta maker, secure it to your kitchen counter table (you could also use your kitchen aid pasta attachment). Cut off a fourth of the dough, keep the rest covered so it doesn’t dry out. Sprinkle dough with a little bit of flour, pat out with your hands. With pasta machine on the widest setting (1), roll the pasta through. Continue to roll out increasing the settings until you get to setting 7. Make sure the pasta is floured well otherwise it will get sticky. Put trimmed pasta sheet on your board, pipe the filling onto the center of the pasta, about 2 inches apart. Fold sheet over and seal with hands, make sure there is no air in-between pasta and no filling close to the edges. Cut with knife or pasta shaper. Put ravioli onto sheet pan heavily floured and not overlapping. Ravioli must be eaten the day of, otherwise freeze in small batches.
To prepare ravioli, boil water and add copious amount of salt. Water should be softly boiling, boil ravioli for 5 minutes, serve with pesto, red sauce or browned butter. Bon appetit!